This week is a very special one on the calendar.... lots of days with big circles around them..
First there was Lizzie... celebrating in 1960's style with jelly and ice-cream (how else)!
Today is the Birthday of a very dear friend of mine.. not only a friend but a partner in crime.. so please raise your cup of tea, or whatever tipple you have to hand.. and wish dear Kim aka Milly.. a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.... celebrate and indulge my friend!!!
As you can see.. I have my best red party shoes on for the occasion!
P.s Do pop back tomorrow for more cake and jelly when we celebrate another!

Happy Birthday to each of the birthday people! May they enjoy lots of cake and goodies on their special day :)
Happy birthday to your friends Michèle!
So many of us blogging ladies celebrating Birthdays in September! The best month to be born I'd say! Have popped over to say Happy Birthday to Lizzie and Kim. Could it be yours tomorrow..? Love those red shoes by the way. Fiona x
Oh thank you Dottie, I couldn't imagine a birthday without you and oh how I wish I only needed 16 candles on my cake!!!! This is so kind of you mon amie I am touched. So get a move on, you've found your shoes, start toddling eastwards the tea's getting cold and we've a game of pin the tail on the donkey waiting to be played.
Milly the Minx xxxx
I think we should have a whole packet of ******** custard creams today x
Me Again, came over for another drool of them shoes! Still can't get my tootsies in proper shoes, so I shall have to wear my red socks today. HOWEVER, just remembered why those shoes have struck such a chord, I was going to buy the very same ones in green last year... (why isn't that spooky anymore!). Shall I borrow my imaginary shoes from the emporium today instead?
Red or green it doesn't really matter as neither of them is as lovely as my sooper dooper ultra soft, uber pretty, cosy, comfy and dodgy toe accommodating new slippers - merci. I'm off to the Emerald City...
where's that yellow brick road...
Happy Birthday to your friends!
Happy days!
Lovely cake....cute red shoes!x
I want those shoes!!!
Happy birthday to Kim,
and such happy red shoes!
Yea, Birthday greetings to Millie aka Kim!
Loving those red shoes, gorgeous happy Birthdays one and all,
Love Sarah x
can we pop for cake too or have you snaffled all of that - I only want the gooey icing really! t.x
Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoyed the custard creams.
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