Monday, 21 September 2009
Abscess makes the heart grow fonder....
Well.. I have to admit that last Friday's milestone of being another step closer to my bus pass.. was a strange mixture of denial.. and elation.. the elation brought on by a colourful little penicillin pill washed down by a large glass of rather nice fizz..The denial of course was the getting older bit and realising that the glint of silver running through my hair.. probably amounted to 99% sterling, under the veil of Clairol hair dye!
The day started off with a rendition of Happy Birthday from beloved ..heard through groggy ears and head as I reluctantly gained consciousness at 5.30 am, having spent several hours awake during the night, trying to hide from nagging toothache..Nowhere to run nor hide when it's in your head!
As soon as the awaited hour arrived..i.e opening time at the dental surgery, I rang to see if I could get an emergency appointment.. to be told..if I could reach the surgery in 10 minutes then I could have a date with my dentist. Never have I walked, rolled .. tripped down the hill in to town so fast and arrived in a breathless .. sweaty heap at the reception desk to be told.." It's OK.. you'll be lying down soon.. you can get your breath back".. oh such words of comfort !
To cut a long, dull story short.. after X rays and a prescription for penicillin.. I was wished a "Happy Birthday" by my dentist and his smiling assistant.. and I left to face the remains of the day..
The best possible medicine was from all your lovely comments which really buoyed me along.. it is STILL such a wonder to me that so much goodwill can be gathered from the folk in blog land.. So Thank you so so much.. for your lovely comments and wishes on the day.. I unwrapped each one with much gratitude and a lopsided smile !
Posted by
Cowboys and Custard Mercantile
7:56 pm
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Poor you! What a horrible start to any day, let alone your Birthday? Hope you are feeling better now! Lizzie x
PS who is your dentist? Not Mr Clark? I know we share so many names from the past (vets.. Doctors..)the coincidence could be too great!!
A toothache is such an annoying pain, just like contractions! I have a conflict with my dentist about the timing of the renovation of my teeth. I wanted renovation partly in 2009, partly in 2010, maybe even 2011, so our insurance could pay too, if we did all my dentist was planning in 2009, which is ending soon now, I had to pay 1000 euros (about 900 GBP) myself. I discussed the matter with him and I thought we agreed on splitting, but then he sent me a estimated budget so that I still had to pay 600 GBP myself in 2009, which my insurance would cover in 2010. End of the song: I was angry with him and told him I thought we had another agreement. He just wanted to go ahead with the treatment,: there is no time to argue right now, which I thought was ridiculous. Now he has sent me a bill for: explanation of budget and of course I expect that those fillings he did fall out any moment. Do you think your dentist would help me?
Having suffered and endured the most horrific pain from a tooth abscess about a year have my utmost sympathy for the horrid pain you went through.
Thank goodness for the small mercies of little pink pills!
Keep taking the pills my dear.... That's really not fair, having to visit the dentist on your birthday. Hope your jaw is all better now and that happy days lie ahead for you...
What a start to the day. In that much pain I guess you would have run a half marathon to get to the dentist and stop all the nastiness in your head. Glad it's soothed and hope the pain has gone away.
Belated Happy Birthday Michelle. Isn't Clairol a fine thing - I dread to think what might be lurking under mine now. Tis' the curse of the dark haired.
Lisa x
I do feel for you Michele.
I hope that you are feeling much better today.
What a gorgeous Red Heart you received from Kim.
Well that's us for another year! not looking forward to anymore at all!
Take care my dear friend,
Much love,
Carol xxx
Hello Michele
Not much fun on your birthday! I have had a tooth ache for a while now and keep putting off going to the dentist.. Not good, I know. I can't stand going there!
That feeling of growing older...I could relate to some of the things you said. We all have a favourite age we would like to stick to. I don't know how old you are but I think you look fantastic! I want to age gracefully but I am not in a hurry to grow old. As time goes by I find that I have to work harder at it.
I am not vain but I always admired my Grandmothers and my Aunt for looking after themselves as they did. I too want to make the effort rather than just give in and let go.
It seems that when some reach a certain age they don't see the point in making the same effort as before, I think that is a shame to give up because of growing older. I know some fantastic looking women in their 70's! The important things is to keep positive and active.
I hope that you feel better soon
Take care
Isabelle x
Eeek, sounded painful! and on your birthday too. Hope the rest of the day made up for the trip to the dentist!
You poor thing! At least toothache isn't exactly age-related, unlike all those other aches and pains that make me feel old! And I couldn't read the small print on a label in the supermarket today..
Hope you had a great day after the treatment!
Oh poor you! Toothache is 'beastly' as my lovely hubbie would say. Not nice to have it on your Birthday of all days. Hope it's feeling a lot better now. x
Oh no how awful? Last year I had compacted wisdom teeth out yuk face looked like a hamster for a week and struggled to eat!!! disaster!!!! hope your better soon
Sorry to hear you didn't have the best of birthdays. Toothache is a horrible thing. I hope it got better after that. Happy Birthday x
Hope your birthday wasn't ruined too much by the awful toothache and you got lots of lovely presents to cheer you up!!!! I read about your blog in a magazine some time ago and I have finally got round to "blogging" so a big thank you to you. Love Lucey x
oops, given you a blog award that you already have! Hey ho! .. and I am ashamed to say that I still haven't done the one you awarded me about 3 months ago.... life is just too bloomin busy at the moment. Lizzie xx (the busy one.. haha)
there s noting wrong with being a silver fox my friend...I have ben 'silver ' for 12 years and I love makes you memorable...hich you are of course...hope your tooth is starting to behave itself and that you had a lovely and hugs H..Gave up with etsy....couldnt download my pictures!
What a day! I'm glad blogging helped you through...
My friend Penny 'gave in' to the grey this year and is now so strikingly silver that she looks years younger... Up to you, though!
OH MY, been there and done that. Nothing is worse than a toothache. It's worse than childbirth, IMO. After I had my first abscess, I got back on track with going to my dentist religiously to avoid that fiasco again. Hope you're feeling better!
Your poor Dear~an abcess is so painful. Glad your Dentist was able to give you meds.
Hope ou're feeling better now.
Enjoy and celebrate your first platinum hairs peeking thru~I actually just grew out the grey and cut it and feel so liberated!
xoxox Tina
Poor you especially on your special day too.
Ruth xx
I love those cards with badges that you make also the vintage noddy badges, are these for sale? I've looked on millie and dotty but couldn't find either, I'm over at "lemonade kitty" love Lucey x
Happy belated birthday Michele and I hope that nasty abcess has disappeared.
I think you need a prescription for some more champagne to make sure goes and doesn't come back.
Say Dr Claire* from Pixieland recommended it.
*has doctors bag but no medical training apart from skillful splinter removal
oooooo I hate a toothache. I hope it is all resolved and BTW...
HaPPy BirThday !
I missed your Birthday! Boo, so sorry, Happy Birthday from Down the Lane. We shall draw a veil over the nuisance tooth, flipping vandal!Hope you are feeling better?
Love Sarah x
I left you a couple of comment;s, I'm new to blogging and must be signing in wrongly!!! Sorry. This is the right "lemonade kitty" lol Lucey x.
That does not seem fair that you had to suffer on your birthday. I hope you are in better form now Michele. Hugs, Margie.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder too! I hope that tooth is better by now. x
Oof I hope the pegs get better soon and all the pain has disappeared. I find gin an excellent anaesthetic - apply directly to the mouth, mixed with tonic. Do not worry if, by accident, you swallow some.
Oh what a shame!!! Happy Birthday though and I hope you ended up having a lovely day. Toothache is the worst!
Lucy xx
So glad I stumbled on your lovely lovely blog today, it's always nice to find other blogger out and about on the net!
I must tell you that I like like like your nice blog!
Agneta & Sweden
Yes there is A LOT of goodwill in the blogland. I found that drinking a lot of green tea helped me tremendously with my tooth abscess. Something you can use if you need to wait for a dentist again ;)
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