Wednesday 22 August 2012

A Jumbling we will go.....

I am not sure there is such a word as jumbling but it sounds just like the kind of thing that will be happening at  The Vintage & Handmade Jumble Sale at Rangeworthy Village Hall this coming Saturday .. The hall will be awash with oodles of lovely vintage wares and when the rummaging has got too much for everyone.. the wonderful W.I ladies will be administering tea and cake to revive the eager shoppers.

So.. if you want to dodge the rain and find an alternative to another soggy Saturday afternoon indoors.. come on down to Rangeworthy village hall from 10.30 a.m until 2.00 p.m to hunt for that vintage bargain item you have always wanted! Admission is free ... so even more pennies to spend on some jumble!


thriftwood said...

Sounds fab ... wish I lived near, would love to go jumbling! xxx

Niki Fretwell said...

Good luck to all the jumbling ladies!...Sorry not to be a part of it this time...:(
Have a wonderful day,
Niki x

Niki Fretwell said...

Good luck to all the jumbling ladies...Sorry not to be a part of it this time :(
Have a wonderful day,
Niki x

Josie-Mary said...

I would love to go jumbling too! Wish I lived closer x

Jill said...

What a lovely word jumbling!! Wish we had more jumbles!

Mrs. H said...

I love a good jumble, sadly they seem to be very few and far between these days.
oooh by the way we share the same blog background- great minds!
: )

the vanilla squirrel said...

..hello there...i am loving your blog and have realised that i have one of your gorgeous shadowboxes!..i share your passion for childhood nostalgia and your picture is one of my most favourite things......thank-you..i will keep following....:)