vintage game courtesy of Milly... thank you!)
I should explain that my prolonged absence from blogging has been due to a combination of reasons.. Where do I start? I could say that I have been rushed off my feet with a hectic social whirl or burning the midnight oil at the drawing board.. but that would be a lie. I could tell you that I have finally run away to join the circus (again) or the Foreign Legion (again) but that too would be far from the truth.. I will have to confess that I have been rather preoccupied with matters closer to home.. in fact my home itself has taken up my every waking hour and occupied my dreams too for the last month...

It has been many a year that we have dreamed about upping sticks and heading for a life of self sufficiency.. well.. growing a few veg and possibly keeping bees would be a good start. I have lived in Bath for 32 years now.. arriving as a wide eyed 20 year old with a new job in a new city .. a new start. This beautiful unique city has seen some of the best days of my life.. my son was born here, many friends have been made here.. numerous memories bounce off the walls as I walk through the Georgian streets. So it is not going to be an easy or painless wrench leaving all this behind.. but one day.. when the gods of the housing market dictate.. we hope to be swapping these views ..

For something more like these ..

Trading tarmac for leafy lanes ... and endless hills of green..

Thousands of chimney pots ...

For fields full of flowers ...

Pushing dust has become my raison d'etre and keeping everything tickety boo in a constant state of 'Red Alert' is just a little bit time consuming.. I can't get away with stuffing the mass of 'stuff' that we own into cupboards to hide it away from prying eyes.. as those same eyes will open cupboards to examine the storage space on offer! Keeping a very much lived- in and worked- in home.. is impossible to keep as a show home 24/7.. but one tries... and one is very trying.. according to my long suffering family.

Following the family around with a feather duster and hoover at the ready is beginning to grate on everyone's nerves .. even the poor tortoise is in danger of having her shell polished. So please forgive me if I am a little distracted.. I hope to have news one day, in the not too distant future, of our intended destination.. but until then.. Whose hidden the the Mr Sheen?!
Keeping my fingers and toes crossd for you Michele that a happy buyer will come through your door, throw up their arms in pleasure with the words "I just have to live here!!!"give you your full asking price and complete with weeks.
It has been lovely chatting to you over the last couple of days and so pleased that Mr Boo has settled well.
Good luck, Michele, I can understand it really is a very stressful time. It shall be worth it though!
Hen x
How exciting! Keep thinking of your destination! Looking forward to seeing where you end up! Cx
I'm now living in my 17th home, so I can sympathize. Hope everything works out well for you.
I absolutely love your front door - your house definitely has the all important 'kerb appeal'. Bath is a very picturesque city, but I understand the appeal of the country. Hope you get a buyer soon - and of course find the perfect idyll yourself!
Good luck Michele, I hope it all works out :) x
Gosh, it must be pretty exhausting trying to live a normal summer life at the same time that you need to keep a show home ready for viewing.
I love those green views in your photos, and like some other commenters, I would advise you to keep those images in your mind's eye.
Limbo will yield to ... a beautiful new home.
Keeping everything crossed for you that a buyer will appear soon. It is very stressful, but it will be lovely to wake up to gorgeous countryside views. Have a lovely weekend and don't do too much housework!
Jo xx
Positive affirmations my friend. x
Oh I couldn't leave! It's just SO exquisite where you are! But i suppose, sigh, if i'd been there for a few decades i too might fancy an adventure. the house selling thing is so stressful, how can one exist and not make a mess?? I once auctioned a little house i had renovated and people not only opened the cupboards they opened the fridge! And it was a BIG 1940s kitchen, so no need to test fridge doors whatsoever! I hope there wasn't cold McDonalds in there but there probably was seeing as how we had to exist on takeaways so as not to use the oven!... Sending you calming vibes, michele jxx
Dear Custardo, hurray! how exciting! Good luck with the cleaning (you do know they check inside the oven, don't you?! heeheehee)
I think I have a sneaky suspicion as to the onward destination, but if that changes we can find you a manor over in the Cotswolds!xx
Thinking of you Michele...Take care and I hope things start to happen for you very soon...
I crave the same lifestyle...some things are worth waiting for and working hard for too, then you appreciate them all the more,
Niki xx
Ah, darling Michele you put it so exquisitely ~ as one who has just come out at the other end of this nerve wracking, sapping process take it from me IT IS SO WORTH IT in the end. I had many dark hours and the disappointments.....let's not go there, I am really really rooting for you. I just know it is all going to come good, very good indeed for the world of Custard.
Love Sarah xXx
good luck with your search sweet girl - the perfect home is out there for you xx
t x
I completely understand your dilemma! x
hey Michelle - I'm wondering where you are thinking! How exciting (eventually!)
We are very much in suburbia - where we are firmly planted for the time being....but I know someday we will move to the country. But only when it's me and Cleggy in a 2 seater!
good luck with it all - the right whing will happen...fee x
Hello Michele, wishing you lots of luck! I'm sure you'll find somewhere wonderful to live, although where you live now is gorgeous!
We all need a change sometimes! Might you be acquiring a little doggie too?
Rachel x
Hi, I think that my absences from blogging way exceed yours and I don't have the good reason of a prospective move!! All the best with your new plans ... see you in Totnes one day??
Love Lesley X
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