Yesterday was the 7th Vintage & Handmade Fair... and do you know the best part of the whole day? It was meeting and greeting of our faithful clan of ladies who come from all corners of our fair land to put on a fabulous display for the visitors who flock from far and wide.
I had such a lovely day... and this time thanks to the vigilance and generosity of Viv my neighbour and my dear man .. I got a chance to walk around and talk to our fair ladies; which is a luxury I have not been afforded at most of our previous fairs. Thank you to all who came from such distances as Kent, Cornwall, London and Italy .. and possibly Timbuktu!
Something one of our friends said at the end of the day was.. how friendly and civilised the Vintage & Handmade Fairs are.. which does go far to restore one's faith in mankind when it can sometimes seem that the world we live in lacks generosity and goodwill.
Here is a small selection of my hurried snaps taken minutes before the doors opened to the vintage hungry folk waiting patiently outside...
There were many gorgeous vintage hounds on display that one could have been forgiven for thinking they were at an open day at Battersea Dogs Home.. I would gladly have given a home to all of them.. pennies permitting!
Spring fever was evident in the vibrant colour palette of the displays.. I particularly loved the fresh green and yellows of Stephen & Judy's colourful wares ....

Sal and Mr Snippets put on a dazzling display of gorgeous textiles and smiles.... though Mr S was being a little coy here..
These cool cats had me greatly amused with Woo's witty and quirky characters..
Clare's fine Easter bonnets ...
Vintage notebooks in every subject from Sarah ..

Finally .. some Easter bunnies and friends from Cowboys & Custard..
Hi Michele, it was lovely to see you and everyone else yesterday. Its worth the trek! Well done you two for organising it all, looking forward to the next one already. Lots of love, Jane xx
Glad you got to enjoy the day and chat to other people. So often one is so busy that this isn't possible. I am looking forward to seeing photos on other people's blogs - you have been particularly swift in posting yours.
Ruth x
Thanks Michelle. We had a great time, wouldn'y have missed it for the world. Hope you are enjoying a well earned rest.
Lesley XX
Silly me I was going to come to this one, and decided against, just as well as I thought it was today and texted Sue from Pennychoo to say have a nice day but we won't be there, just as well she said, it was yesterday, dear me! Hopefully I'll make it to the next one!
A grand day out my friend.
Thank you to you and Jayne for making The Original Vintage and Handmade Fair, yet again a very special and happy day.
This looks like a wonderful day was had by all!....Susan x
Oh, how I wish I'd been there to view all the goodies and meet fellow bloggers! Alas ...
Another great fair, shame I couldn't make this one :( x
Really enjoyed the day, as always. Thanks to both of you for all your hard work!
Oh, how I would like to visit one of these marvelous fairs. Please do keep up your excellent planning. From your photos, I can tell that I would absolutely love seeing all these treasures in close up.
Hi Michele, those blue polka dot pots were fab on Chloe's stand on Sunday weren't they? I wanted one too! xx
It was lovely to meet up with you again and I'm looking forward to June. Thank you for organising such a special day, it really was lovely and such a friendly atmosphere.
Jo xx
Hi Michele,
Glad that Saturday was another successful fair for you all...I was sorry not to have been there...I really missed everyone - If I could have torn myself in two, I would have loved to have been included, but have to be realistic these days and know my limitations.
See you at the end of the month...
Niki x
The Spring V&H Fair could not possibly have been and gone! Where on earth has the time gone since Christmas? I love those bunny bookends on the stall. x
I love the dogs and the pram they're reaxing in x
hi Michelle-
thanks for taking the time in the middle of recovering from your last fair and planning for the next, to leave your sweet comment about our resident Little Owl.
Yes, it is an honour to have him...even if he behaves like a messy teenager and leave the detrius from his "takeaways" all over the floor for someone else to clean up!!
Have a lovely weekend
Oh Michele, hello!
It's been too long since I tripped down here to see you and read all your lovely musings. The V & H fair looks a triumph as usual. One day my diary will not conspire against me and I shall make it in person!
I am feeling a bit giddy today after my 20 mile walk, but do you know what, I enjoyed it! My fellow walkers think I am quite mad and they are probably right! I like to think mad in an "Eli" type way!
Love Sarah x
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