I am back on the wagon again after having fallen off for a few weeks..Not in the drink sense I hasten to add.. more in the 'taking time out' sense. Time that has been spent switching off from the normal routine and taking stock of life.. and a escaping to a few favourite haunts.
The Custard clan have done a fair bit of mileage over the last two weeks..first to the wild west of Devon and Cornwall then back home again for family matters.. off again for a mad dash to Branscombe to dip our toes.. and in my case.. whole body (shock horror) in the beautiful briny sea. Followed by a short foray 'oop north' said in my best Yorkshire accent.. though we didn't go to Yorkshire and I haven't got a Yorkshire accent but I do love the sound of that gutsy dialect! The north I refer to is .. north of Bath, a bit.. to the heart of Wales and border country.. Hereford and Hay on Wye.. a gorgeously eccentric place chock full of book shops, that has been on my list of 'must go' places for 20 years at least.. since my mother once told me, one could buy books by the yard there.Our first happy trail was two weeks ago today.. Mr Custard and I set off at the crack of dawn.. tiptoeing out of our B + B at Drewsteignton, as quietly as we could, whilst also loading up a car full of assorted vintage toys and paraphernalia to take to the Home Spun Fair in Portscatho. A much anticipated event that was a perfect antidote to all the difficulties of the days prior to our escape.
We hit the highway on a beautiful bright morning, the journey being a breeze, roads not being particularly busy at 6.a.m. I was sure we would be sitting outside Portscatho memorial hall twiddling our thumbs waiting for the doors to open as we were in good time.. until that is.. we took the wrong turning at Truro for The Roseland Peninsula. Finding that we were the wrong side of the River Fal and the King Harry Ferry didn't sail until 9 a.m.. we back-tracked to Truro and then started to navigate with the help (or not) of Charmiane..our faithful sat nav. Dear Charmiane..got very confused, as did we, as she steered us through a farmyard up to a five bar gate, urging us to continue. At this point, I disconnected Charmiane and we asked a local jogger the way.. much quicker and more accurate!
Well.. what can I say about the Home Spun Fair.. lots actually.
It was a lovely day from start to finish.. the hall being a perfect venue for such a vintagey style event.. The room was decked with bunting and a friendly hum of ladies setting up their stalls.. Despite my sleep deprivation of the night before.. I managed to arrange just about everything in some coherent manner on my table
I was then able to sit back... or rather stroll around and meet up with some of my favourite blogging chums.. dear Viv.. a fabulous lady, so talented and with a mutual love of vintage dolls was there, Sue with her amazing emporium of vintage textiles
..and much more besides..
Nicky and her gorgeous menagerie of animals.. teddies, rabbits and an adorable dog that I badly badly wanted to adopt..
Clare and her elegant handmade hats beautifully displayed..
Leonore and her extraordinary display of vintage goods.. too many to mention and last but not least Jane and her lovely array of handmade boats, dolls, framed collages and more..
There was a happy and healthy stream of visitors from the minute the doors opened and I was delighted to meet Sarah who came and introduced herself to me..and Maureen who I had 'met' through the Vintage & Handmade Fair.. Such an unexpected pleasure to meet new faces.. and make new friends.. dear Helen who with her husband entertained Mr Custard and I throughout the day..
Let's play I Spy...see if you can spot Viv & Sue.
There was a lot to bring away from this day.. memories of a happy day , a very successful event organised by Jane & Christine and new friendships that iced the occasion.
Even Mr Custard lasted the distance.. and enjoyed being amongst the throng of lovely ladies ..well which man wouldn't !?
This summer has been a strange affair.. good times.. very good times.. some bad times too... but the autumn is approaching and I have so much to look forward to.
New products to design for Cowboys & Custard, new stock to fill the shelves in Milly & Dottie's Emporium and a Vintage & Handmade fair to organise .. so there is no time to lose.. much to do and much to occupy the mind.I hope to add to this list some regular blogging.. I have been out of sync in this dept but hope to get properly back on track soon..
A bientot !
I would like to thank you all for your very kind condolences on our recent bereavement. We do appreciate your kindness and empathy..
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Back from Beyond...
Posted by
Cowboys and Custard Mercantile
9:09 am
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Good to see you back in the saddle mon amie, it's been a bumpy ride... Hope that life on the wagon treats you sweetly (I shall of course be hiding those little bottles I keep finding in the stockroom so that you remain firmly on the wagon Dottie dear). Wishing you all good times and fun filled days
Glad to have you back Michele.
The fair looks like fun. I wish I could have come!
Fandabbydosey....you are back! Great post.....onwards and upwards!
Good to see you back - you have done some great things whilst away!
Oh it's so lovely to see more pictures of that lovely fair. How I'd love a rummage on your stall and all those other familiar ones too! Oof, the west country is just a bit too far for a day out. So sad.
Anyway, welcome back - lovely to 'see' you again!
It was lovely to see you at Portscatho...looking forward now to the VandH!
So good to have you back and sharing your adventures.
You were brave taking a dip in the briny sea, something I haven't done for years, I feel a shiver coming on. We're building up to the Aldeburgh Carnival here. I've been to the car boot this morning and someone's already gone mad with the no parking signs. But hey ho it's all good fun at the fair. Thanks for all those lovely pics of the fair it looks like a really friendly community.
Nice one M. Glad you're back after all..... (thanks for the drinkys the other night....) xxx
Glad you've had a restful few weeks, the fair looks great. Bye for now petal - said with Yorkshire gusto :)
Twiggy x
Hi Michele
Lovely to see you back at the keyboard. Glad you managed to have some private Custard time and hope you're now raring to go for the V&H!!
Didn't we have a great time at Portscatho - I-spied and I saw!!!!
Hope to see you at the end of the week?
Sue xx
Good to have you back safe and sound Michèle. Just a week and my youngest has to go back to school and we are so NOT looking forward to that. We enjoy our vacation so much. I do hope you and your family will enjoy the few days vacation that would probably be left for you too. Cheers!
Hi Jayne
Im glad your back in the saddle, Autumn is such a nice season and with the evenings growing slightly cooler there's so much time for snuggling under crochet or losing yoursef in a book! i love it! I wish i could have made it to the fair it looked great! fliss xx
i really wish i'd gone to that fair it looked great. Love your stall and of course your polish dolls!
So lovely to see you back honey. Portscatho looked so wonderful and I spotted Sue's lovely smile across the room!
Michele, it is always so nice to read you! you have such a perfect balance of bragadosciousness, tamed with the wit of one who is not afraid to laugh at oneself.
miss your posts!
Love, Dana and Daisy
Hello Michele
Your forays into the various corners of the countryside sound as though they have been a great tonic and that you are refreshed and ready for the build up to the next Fair. I would have loved to be at Portscatho, it is my favourite place in Cornwall, but family commitments were already in place - next time!!!
I shall be in touch by email and we will definitely enjoy a Sally Lunn bun (or two!). Take care,
Denise x
Hi Michele,
I absoloutely loved this post. It was just like experiencing the Homespun Fair all over again! Your piccies are lovely and capture the stalls perfectly.
I think we are off to Branscombe/Beer for the Bank Holiday weekend, probably in a tent as we have left it too late to book anything as usual!I will try to emulate you and take a dip if weather permits! NOT PROMISING anything!
Glad your book extract threw up something appropriate, strange isn't it?
Gorgeous book treasures too! I will shut up now! too much waxing lyrical and all that. Glad you are bouncing back,have a brilliant week
Love Sarah x x x
The opening to this post made me grin (always a good thing)... I loved the way you balanced the Famous Five book agains the ginger beer bottle...... lovely touch. Good to read of your exploits too.
Hi Michele, you have brought a smile to my face and aching body! the thought of you taking a wee dip..sorry...you know me too well I am not being rude, it just made me smile, biggly! needed that as I listen to reams of A4 pouring out of m,y printer, using valuable INK...and all because I have lost some statements and need them for TR.
Sorry went of the mark a bit. Every bit of me hurts today, god knows why?
Glad you are back my friend. Love the trip around the homespun fair, love love love those hats, love 1920's style.
I must pop in a have peep at some of the blog stores..been so very busy of late. I am in need of one of your big hugs Michele. I may just jump on a train again.
eh up lass, tha seems 't ave ad a grand time...ther's al'ways a place to stay in't real north with us...wish I could have been at the fair...but pony and trap wouldnt make it and couldnt leave the wippet....ha ha
Sounds like you've had some lovely adventures lately. It did amuse me what you described as 'up north'! The homespun fair looked great. How I would love to take part in one of your fairs one of these days. Looking forward to reading more blog posts from you. I have completely fallen off the blogging wagon. Life is just too dull and uninspiring to write about right now. Married life still good I hasten to add, just no job and financial worries making me feel very uncreative. I hope to find my way back to the blog world soon enough. Fiona
What a lovely fair!
I can see why you loved that dog!
Didn´t you bring him home?
Excellent post - really enjoyed reading about your travels. The fair looks wonderful...wish I could have made it down to visit. Still, very much looking forward to November's V&H extravaganza! Great to have you back! Katie x
Welcome back. I do hope all continues to improve for you. The fair looks delightful and I'll take one of everything you've photographed!
I'm really trying not to be too green with envy at your lovely fairs and goodies! Have you ever heard of a Bucket List? The things one wants to do in their lifetime? Well, mine is to travel to England and experience some of the places you write about. If you are ever in the USA and wander to the Pacific Northwest, I would be glad to offer tips of where to go to experience this area. I adore your blog! The toys and colors...your photos are so rich! Thank you!
Good to see you're back :) And wow you sound like you've had loads of adventures while you were 'away'... I want to go to that many fairs!
That looks such fun ! I'd love to have been there . One day !
Good to see you had a great time! I'm a new kid on the block, so to speak, but have admired your work for ages. Love your blog!
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