Today I found myself in a queue outside of Bristol University.. a queue that took two hours to reach it's destination.... but with no hint of impatience about it.. only a gentle animated buzz from young and old...
Birthday Boy and Mr Custard.. chatted with eager anticipation.. whilst I wished that I had worn something a little cooler.. the day turning out to be a tad warmer than forecast !
Three bottles of mineral water and a grumbling sciatic nerve .. later.. we arrived at the entrance to this hallowed event... one that I had heard much about from other visitors and on the local news.. This is the best thing that has happened to Bristol City Museum for many a year... in fact probably the first and only time that queues of this constancy and length have been seen outside of this popular Bristol venue..
We were on a mission to visit the works of BANKSY .. (click on his name to find out more )
a local hero.. an urban artist 'made good' ..
I cannot imagine that many households have not heard of this modern day genius.. for a genius he is.. in my eyes at least...
His earlier works of graffiti are legendary around Bristol and have become protected landmarks... One of his more famous works, I have seen many times on my visit to Park Street, is mind boggling..
How on earth did this man manage to create something, obviously in a hurry... half way up a wall!?

It was all very thought provoking and scratch the surface and you found much more beneath...
There was something here for everyone to relate to on whatever level or depth one chose to..
I LOVED it.. it made me laugh, wince.. and THINK... and if that isn't good art then I don't know what is..

See what you think.. I would love to hear your thoughts.. and if you live close to Bristol .. I would urge you to go ..
My man has a boredom threshold of 3 minutes and he thought is was worth every agonising minute of queueing!
I bring you Banksy Vs the Bristol Museum.

This character was so lifelike.. rocking back and forth on a mechanical fairground horse.. It was hard to believe it was a dummy..

Raised a lot of smiles..

When I was at Art College in the 1970's.. we would often go on trips to the Tate in London or the Oxford galleries.. Ashmolean..
I cannot remember much about the exhibitions we saw.. but this one will live on in my memory for a long time...

Hmmm... this piece is very topical right now..!
I do hope you enjoyed the show...I have only shared a fraction of the exhibits with you.. there was so much to take in.. so do go along if you can.. it is so much better in the flesh!
P.s... I can see from your comments so far that you approve of his work..
If you are going along.. may I suggest you get there early.. I think the museum opens at 10 a.m and we arrived at 1.p.m.. and finally entered the museum at 2.45 p.m...
Last entry is 3.30 p.m so allow plenty of time! The exhibition finishes on the 31st August.
It is free admission and yes.. you are allowed to take photos.. without a flash!
I'm looking forward to going in the summer holidays.
Will be taking Jess and meeting up with my Mum and eldest son, we're all itching to see it. Me even more now that i've seen your piccies.
Beki xxx
Oh wow - thank you so much for sharing. I love Bansky's work, just love it- what Art should be! Do you know whether the exhibition is touring? Also, is there word from the man himself (although some say it is a team of artists)? Who has funded him? Ooohh the mystery!!!
deeply deeply envious ! Oh you lucky lucky things adn thank-you so much for takingall those illicit pictures to share! Exceedingly grateful for the laughs! And that last quote, stolen from my fave... so so witty. Love it.
Amazing stuff, my daughter introduced me to the works of Banksy about 3 years ago.Such thought provoking exhibits.We borrowed the Banksy book from the library, utterly brilliant!
Rachel x
Thank you for the tour of this show, and the introduction to Banksy. What an interesting place you live in. Are you the artist that makes the assemblages for the upcoming shows? They are wonderful.
Well I have to go now! Thank you for sharing the experience.
Wow, great stuff - I saw the window one while we were on holiday in Bristol and I didn't know it was a BAnksy!!
April xx
Thanks for sharing this, I didn't know about it! I'm going to try & visit, how long is it on for?
I love his work, one of my faves has to be the stop & search with Dorothy... was that there?
I also didn't know he came from Bristol.... need to do more research! :)
I am so glad you managed to get in and survived the queue! We are all huge Banksy fans in the Roses house amd would so love to get along there to take a peep. What a wonderful exhibition, the man's a genius!
Brilliant exhibition, thanks for sharing the photos.
Sue xx
Brilliant! absoloutely brilliant x
So clever...with an amazing sense of humour too! Love the final photo!;-)
Wasn't it A.M.A.Z.I.N.G...... I urge people to look further than the main galleries: I personally love the Victorian Mourning Jewelry in the museum and went to look at it.... It had been "Banksy'd"..... upstairs in the ceramics had been too, but you had to look VERY hard. Also, try the geographical and the section where there are fish and nature scenes, there are wonderful finds there too. I am still smiling at his brilliance. . .x
Having a dodgy sciatic nerve myself, poor you. But how fantabulous, I wish we lived near enough to see the Banksy show. The photos are great, any art that gets people talking and thinking is great art indeed.
twiggy x
Whow! Fantastic! I was unfamiliar with the name Banksy, but I had seen the man hanging out of the window before. (Probably on a blog, which is my world...hehehe). I don't think I will have the opportunity to go to Bristol this summer. So I appreciate it very much that you share your pictures and views with us. I can imagine that there will be a lot of discussion and enjoyment afterwards in the Custard Home. This must be an unforgettable experience. Thanks for opening a door again to me.
thank you so much for so many pictures - unfortunately I'm unable to get there. Reviews I'd read reckoned he'd sold out by collaborating ( shock horror)with an Institution but from your pictures it looks as anit- establishment as ever. Long live Banksy!
We haven't been as yet but Miss Cottage & I were thinking of going tomorrow - we'll aim to get there early!
Wonderful post. Thank you so much for showing us. The man is brilliant.
Thanks for sharing
Very thought provoking. I never thought I would like his work. Now I think I do!
Oh my gosh those are hilarious. I bet you were laughing or, at best, smiling through the whole thing. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I enjoyed the giggle.
I'm hoping to visit in a couple of weeks (whilst on a visit to Bristol to see my family). I particularly liked the photo of the Gypsy Caravan - an exhibit I have very fond memories of as a child - now having been 'clamped' by Banksy - priceless!
M, Can't thank you enough for posting to go! 'nuf said! x
fantastic...i had heard of him but not seen so much of his work...I I titter I also have to have a think too...thanks for sharing
Wasn't sure that I knew who Banksy was and then recognised some of the grafitti ... the Antique Dining Room shop just along the Narrows from This'n'That sometimes sells his work. Hope you enjoyed your day out ... if we're not careful life ends up all work & no play!
My 8 year old son and I are going in a couple of weeks and I don't know which of us is more excited! Thank you for all the amazing photos - you've whet our appetite even more now! eEK!
Just found your blog...LOVE IT!!!
Please hurry with the construction of your website..your items look so amazing :)
Michele what a fabulous exhibition. Bristol too far, so really hope this one moves a bit closer. Icecream van reminded me of the car filled with snails at Dali's museum in Figueres. Same ironic humour separated by a few years or two.
Lisa x
Well worth the two hour wait! We would have been happy to wait too.
Hope the back is feeling better.
Fab exhibition - we are hoping to go!
Don't consider yourself tagged unless you wantto be, but we have nominated you as a lovely blog.
Hi Michele, sorry I have not visited you for a while, I really enjoyed this visit though, Banksy's work is really contemporary and humorous, just what we need in these times. Hope you are keeping well. Going to check out all your previous posts I missed. Hugs, Margie.
Oh it looks wonderful. Roland and I want to take the wee boy now as your pictures have really inspired us to make the trip. Banksy is a true genius and I love the fact he is anoynomous. I've spelt that wrong haven't I? Too early in the morning for me but will have to get there early for Banksy. Thanks for the tip!
Sympathies on the sciatic nerve front. I get it from time to time and it is a pain in the butt, literally.
Can't wait to go! x
I must be the only one who is not too sure about his work! But I have to say I did enjoy this post even if I sit on the fence when it comes to his art.
I am off too have another look through the post, I do get some of it art, but not all.
Thanks for sharing…love Lou xxx
fantastic thanks for showing us!!
felicity xx
Thanks for sharing - I feel like I've been on a mini tour of the exhibition with you! I really like art that makes you think as well as making you smile and Banksy certainly does that. Will we ever know the identity of the artists himself? I can't help thinking that the mystery is far more exciting! Katie x
Brilliant post! Thanks for sharing... I so want to go but Bristol isn't too near so not sure when we'll manage it down – but I do feel like I've been a little now! :) My friend in London has a Bansky on a brick wall near her flat – I'm sure it raises the value of her property! ;)
Hi Michele,
I've heard so much about it and can't wait to see it all for myself! We hope to go very SOOOOON - maybe we'll take a sleeping bag and breakfast snack.
Thanks for the amazing images and text.
Happy days
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Thank you for sharing these. I must make the journey to Bristol to see this, pure genius and, as you say, very thought provoking :-)
Looks like it was worth the wait. My type of show!!
I am SO jealous! It look AMAZING and I just don't think I can get to Bristol before it ends...Oh bum!Penny
Loved the Art...
Hope you like this...
James Mayhew
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