Sunday, 10 May 2009

Tulips in my garden May 2009

Perfection is pink.. and tulip shaped..
Oh what a beautiful beautiful day it has been here... I hope you had the same. x


Lyn said...

Dull and drizzle all day here-but I did get some gardening done! Beautiful Tulips!
Love Lyn

silverpebble said...

Wow. Those look like some of the ones that were worth the equivalent of £1000s - when was it? The 1700s I think. The stripes are gorgeous x

hens teeth said...

Oh those tulips are truly gorgeous. So glad you have had a good day in your beautiful garden. I bet you keep going to your window and looking out at what you have achieved today??? Eh, yes???

Niki Fretwell said...

Yes indeedy!! But then I'm not very far away...;-))
Hope you've had fun in your garden,
Niki x

Anonymous said...

It has been lovely here, hope this good weather keeps up.Love your

A Bun Can Dance said...

Wonderful Tulips, Michele!
Hasn't it been a glorious day? The sun is such a great tonic.
Have a super week!
Denise x

A Bun Can Dance said...

Back again with some suggestions of Afternoon Tea!
Having had replies from several people, here's my suggestion:
A Monday, Tuesday or Friday some time between 15th June and 10th July. How about The Bath Priory? This could be easier for you, I think?
I'm very much open to suggestions with the location. The days suggested would make it possible for Sue at Vintage to Victorian to join in.
I shall send the above to all others who showed an interest too!
D x

Greentwinsmummy said...

Oh that is just a beautiful photo :o)
its been blissfull here,am so worn out but only just come in from outside,its been a joy to be out there all day

Dana and Daisy said...

Oh Michele! Those are gorgeous! Are they in your garden? They look edible they are so pretty!

Thinking of you and your mum today.
Love, Dana

Deanna Bland Hiott PhD, MSN, RN said...


Sarah said...

What a lovely colour Michele and a pretty photo.

Redwoodhouse said...

Ohh yes we certainly did, just the perfect day.
Beautiful tulips mine were rubbich this year.

Lucy Bloom said...

Glorious weather for car-booting yesterday! Don't be fooled by my photos, careful editing is all, I'm not even close to being organised!
Lucy x

Ragged Roses said...

Days in the garden can't be beaten, especially when surrounded by those beautiful pink tulips
Just had my lunch in my garden and was nearly blown all the way to Bath ... if you see a vision in pink come floating by your window (and I'm not talking tulip petals) grab hold of me please

Teena Vallerine said...

For a moment there I thought you were talking about me! Don't you think 'tulip shaped' is so much nicer sounding than 'pear-shaped'?! LOVE those tulips. Just love 'em! t.x

OhSoVintage said...

What stunning tulips. Yes, it remains beautiful here in the south.
Ruth xx

Unknown said...

So, so windy here today that it's damaged my clematis...and to be honest I've been feeling the same (like the clematis, that is...not windy!!)Those tulips are wonderful though and very cheery...oh for the simple life of a plant!
x Philippa

Anonymous said...

Sunshine most of the day here...hanging baskets planted up and pottering about out there until tea time
Love Kristina XxX

kate said...

How I got here, I don't know, but what a great blog! I loved the pictures of your house and your etsy things! The cowboy box, the pins * WOW All so nice. Katie

Patchwork Harmony said...

those are beautiful!
love the new blog banner by the way!

Alexandria ♥ said...

Am I to understand that your Mr. Pickles is a hind leg kicker? If so I know one too, a cat.
Ginger L.