Move over Mr Custard I am back.. well almost... in spirit if not exactly in mind or body.
I feared that if I didn't try and reclaim my blog soon then Mr C would muscle in and take over the reins of Cowboys & Custard, seeing how popular his last post was...
Of course I am most grateful for his nursing care and his wonderful bedside manner (!) and that of his sidekick.. Nurse Pickles.. They really went to town to look after me... for a day.. then it was off with his Florence Nightingale costume and back on with the suit and off to work.. leaving me to my own devices for the last week....
I can hardly blame them.. My relentless cough soon turned in to a hollow bark that any dog would have been proud of and I swear that I saw Pickles wearing earmuffs to deaden the noise!
I am just beginning to surface from my week of solitary confinement and wake up to the fact that Christmas is going to happen whether I am ready or not.... Not ... in my case!
I have made some concession to the festive season and I will leave you with these to prove that we are not total humbugs in this household....
There are certain shades of The Grinch about my Christmas Mantelpiece but I so enjoy making up this little winter scene with my collection of vintage bottle brush trees bought last year on Ebay at 3.00 am G.M.T from the U.S.A.. definitely worth setting the alarm for..
Vintage bisque snowbabies .. another passion of mine...
This glittery little chap has kept me company for the last 50 years and is one of the few surviving decorations from our family ..
Another treasured relic from my family is this beautiful Victorian globe which my mother decorated with this festive floral piece...
Our Christmas tree in an action shot...
And.. now standing still...
One of my most recent purchases is this gorgeous little Santa tin that I bought from lovely Lucy...
The mantelpiece in all it's glory... or some might say gory!
Now I am off to hit the bottle... the Benylin bottle and ponder on how to get all my Christmas shopping done without leaving the house.....
I know.. Get Mr C to do it for me!!!!!
Thank you so much for all your get well wishes.. they really did cheer me up and my solitary confinement was not nearly so solitary knowing that you were out there wishing me well...
Love to you all..xx
There are certain shades of The Grinch about my Christmas Mantelpiece but I so enjoy making up this little winter scene with my collection of vintage bottle brush trees bought last year on Ebay at 3.00 am G.M.T from the U.S.A.. definitely worth setting the alarm for..

One of my most recent purchases is this gorgeous little Santa tin that I bought from lovely Lucy...

I know.. Get Mr C to do it for me!!!!!
Thank you so much for all your get well wishes.. they really did cheer me up and my solitary confinement was not nearly so solitary knowing that you were out there wishing me well...
Love to you all..xx
Good morning Mrs C. Nothing gory about your mantelpiece missus, it's full of oodles of charm, All looks so cosy in your living room, would love to be there again and this time with you for company! Such a shame Mr C didn't wear the Florence Nigtingale costume to work, do you think I should dare him? Enjoy a cosy day in of armchair Christmas shopping, swigs from the old benylin bottle and the odd custard cream. Take care
Hi Michele,
so pleased to hear you are feeling better and wanted to wish you and your family a very merry Christmas. Your mantle looks great.
I am sure Mr Custard will be happy to face the crowds with a list today?!
enjoy your benelyn and hopefully it won't be long until you can enjoy a bottle of better stuff (wine!).
warmest wishes
Ginny x
Glad the bugs are at bay or at least under control. That is a perfect shrine to Christmas you have there - what a wonderful mantel piece! Such precious things.
I have emailed you but thanks again for the gorgeous little custardy parcel of goodies you sent through - it cheered a grotty-feeling pebble. Have a lovely time over the next week - if some things don't get done then hey, better to snuggle with the other custards and not be stressed. Emma x
So glad you are back in Blogland! It was nice to talk to you yesterday.
Your Christmas decor looks lovely but then you do have all the right elements to make it so pretty!
PS: Ask Mr C if he'll put on the FN outfit for a blog photo.....
Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better - Mr C and Nurse Pickles did a fine job of looking after you! (well, I'm sure they tried their best, anyway!). Your mantel looks really magical - all those lovely treasures. Happy Christmas to you and yours!
Willow x (x extra one for Mr Pickles)
Hi Michele,
Glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better this morning...
Yes, ready or not it will happen...but I have to say that your lovely living room looks more than ready - very welcoming and cosy.
Take care of yourself,
Niki x
Hello there, good to have you back here! Your decoration is gorgeous, especially the vintage ones with the memories, like your glittery snow man and the dome your mother filled.
Why not try online shopping for everything this year? Here even the (luxury) super market brings your food (also ready made, like a traiteur, sometimes you only have to bite) to your doorstep, just make it easy for everybody. Order books, magazines, vintage toys and little delicious snacks. Turn up the heater, put off the phones, open a nice bottle. Mmmmm I know what my Christmas will be like now!
So glad you are back. I was fearing those two had staged a coup. Your Christmas decorating is lovely and ahead of me and I don't have the excuse of illness. Have a beautiful holiday and take it easy.
So glad you are feeling a bit better. Loved the post from Mr C and his sidekick, very entertaining, he needs his own blog.
Your deccies look wonderful, love the shot of the tree in action! But it did look even better standing still.
Have a fabulous Christmas, hopefully not Benylin fueled but more of a G&T fueled.
Rosie x
Glad you're better! Love the decorations.
Yay - I think I spotted a robin in there!!!
Glad to have you back and hope that you will be feeling as fit as a fiddle come Christmas day! I love the mantelpiece shots. Your home definitely looks Christmassy and vintagey (if that's a word)! I think I'll go and have a snowball now or maybe just a cuppa!
You're getting there! Horray!
I love the Santa Tin and the fact that you were mad enough to set the alarm for some Christmas trees, my sympathy!!
Glad you are on the mend. Your home looks great!
I hope that your Christmas is full of cheer.
Photos of Mr C in the nurses outfit will be gratefully appreciated at a later date!!;-)
Hi there Mrs C&C glad oyu are back and after having had the same as you I know exactly how oyu feel. I am still soooo tired but I ad to pull myself together yesterday nad today and get my shopping - I was in bed as soon as Strictly finished! Your cough won't go for ages. We got the tree up today but decs will be tomorrow night. Only two days at work this week and a rest on Xmas eve afternoon I think. Have a wonderful time with your dear ones and a laugh........
Michelle, I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better and have shaken Mr. Nasty Flu bug. Just be sure to get a little more time in the bed to rest up so you don't relapse. Solitary confinement is no fun, especially since there is so much going on right now. Poor Pickles having to try to decipher his mom's voice! But give that little Pickle face a kiss for me and best wishes for a sweet day!
PS: I am laughing right now. The word verification is fluckle! I kid you NOT! I had to look twice at it! It really is ironic with your post!
So pleased to see you posting again! Your mantle is gorgeous! And I love the collection of early-morn vintage bottle brush trees!
Many hugs to you, and let those boys wait on you some more! =)
Glad to hear you're on the mend. Your house looks beautiful... I would love to spend Christmas there, all cozy.
I would like to see Mr Pickles in a nurses uniform - he would steal the show....again!!! X
So happy to hear you're feeling better! And it doesn't looked like you've skimped on the decorations one bit--everything looks lovely! K x
Michele, so glad you are up and about and sorry to hear you still have not fully recovered. Your mantlepiece is so pretty, and that silver snow man is a treasure indeed. Happy Winter Solstice. hugs Margie.
Oh goody your back, not that I didnt enjoy the delightful Mr Custard blog, when is Mr Pickles going to start one of his own? No really Im glad you are on the mend, hope you are firing on all cylinders by Thursday and you and yours have a lovely day. Loved all your decs what treasures they are. Lots of love Jane xxx
If your vocal chords are not quite back yet, we could use a bass singer in our caroling group! And it is a balmy 18 degrees, that's fahrenheit, here on the plains of Oklahoma.
I hope your stores have at least a half-full bin when you get out to do your shopping. I have a few more pressies to get myself!
Hi Michele, just catching up with my favourite blogs and discovered you have been so poorly!! Thank goodness you are on the mend in time for Christmas. Wishing you, Florence and your family a very merry Christmas, Lucyxx
Glad you're on the mend Michele! Happy christmas to you and yours.
Diana x
So glad you are on the road to recovery for Christmas Jayne. Mr C did an excellent job filling in while you were away (what jolly japes you must have at your house!) I've always liked little bottle brush trees and snow babies. We have a couple that have been going on the Xmas cake since I was child so you can imagine the state of them! Have a Very Happy Yule. Eli
Beautiful decorations!
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