The opening scene in Love Actually.. is one of the most moving scenes...
Loved ones.. friends.. families greeting each other with genuine love and happiness.
I find it profoundly moving and always shed tears watching these happy out-takes from life.. real life.. not cameras.. action... life!
It always brings home to me the fact that love does conquer all and we should never forget it!
I frequently find myself saying the habitual goodbyes to my boys in the morning and just now and again a little voice in my head says.. what if they don't come back..?
Last night I received some shocking news...
A friend and neighbour who I had not seen for some time... died suddenly...She was my age!
I had put a note through her door only yesterday afternoon to apologise for not seeing her for weeks..too busy.. life.. you know.. the usual excuses!
I had no idea that I was too late....
I suppose what I want to say is..
Tell someone you love them .. pick up the phone and call your friend... don't put off these small gestures.. They mean so much!
Thursday, 6 November 2008
For Jane....
Posted by
Cowboys and Custard Mercantile
9:01 am
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Oh Michele how awful. So very sorry to hear about your friend. I will hug all my friends and family close today. You are is so powerful.
Thinking of you.
and sending you lots of love
Ginny xx
Very sad news for you,Michele..and for us too.. as if you're sad then so are we.
Huge hugs from us all here.
Sal xx
That's such a sad story.....but you're right we must tell people how we feel, life is too short not too. Thinking of you x
What tragic news Michele. We sometimes take life for granted don't we? Take care. x
Michele, what an awful thing to have happened. My thoughts are with you. Deb x
I'm so sorry to hear your sad news Michele. How awful. Thinking of you and you're right, love is more powerful than anything. x
So sorry to hear your sad news Michele. I completely agree with you, I very nearly lost John back in 1985. Ever since that day, I have watched him, without fail, leaving home in the morning, always saying I love him and to take care of himself. I must say it is very rare, but I feel it so important to make up immediately after a tiff too. x
Hello Michele, sorry to hear your sad news,and thank you for reminding me to appreciate my loved ones near and far.
Hugs to you
Diana xx
Oh Michels, so sorry to hear your sda news, it's ture we none of us know how long we've got with the people we love - and we should never take that for granted
April xx
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. We lost a dear friend at work who died very suddenly last year. Our staffroom is still incomplete without him but we've learnt to laugh when we talk about the tricks he used to play on us and the banter we used to have. Take care of yourself.
Life sometimes gets so unreal. How is it possible that somebody of our age suddenly dies? Of course we all know that we all are going to die, but in case of ourselves we still have to experience it of course. So 'carpe diem' and never leave without saying goodbye or in a bad mood. Take the time to tell people that you love them and take your time to tell people you appreciate them;
I do hope to enjoy your blog for a long long time, but perhaps this is the moment to tell you that I cherish our virtual friendship and that I enjoy your blogposts as well as your comments. Thanks very much for all of that.
Take care! x L.
Oh sweetie. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend :(
I have just phoned my husband and told him i love him.
Lot's of love to you and take care,
Oh that is awful, it sent a shudder down my spine. It makes you take stock when something like that happens doesn't it and you feel guilty about what have in your life.
Oh Michele I am so sorry for you and your friend. That must have been a real shock for you. It is very hard to suddenly have your mortality rocked at this age. I realised almost two years ago when I had a heart attack that nothing, absolutely nothing mattered except my health and those I love.
On a lighter note, yes I would love to teach you crochet!
Rosie x
I'm so sorry for your loss. I went through it with a friend a couple of years back - not sudden, but still profoundly shocking.
And I cry at those scenes in Love Actually too.
I am so sorry Michele, things like this really bring home to us that we should always make the time - I know how my busy life takes over. Love actually is one of my favourite films and I love the opening sequence... thank you for reminding me that I shouldnt take people for granted. I lost a dear friend in the summer and I was so glad that I had seen her just before she died. God bless XXX
A poignant post, and so very true. I am sorry to hear about your friend.
(PS - it's Beachy - I had a blog change.)
Oh!how sad,poor Michele.It makes you think doesn't it?it's made me sit up and take stock.Take Care M,Love and hugs from Annie xx
I'm so sorry to hear of your friend Michele.
You are so right - life is too busy now-a-days and we should find time to spend with those we love whilst we can.
Take care,
Niki x
Dear Michele, what sad news. I thought of you (and what you said)as I walked with my beloved sister today. Take care, Lucyxx
Such sad news, yes I have the same feeling when I say goodbye to my children each day...but we have to live our lives and when are time is up its up. I love the meaning behind your words, very wise. I lost a friend last year just before Christmas, she left two children the same age as my children, its upset me so much and really made me view my own mortality so differently. Take care and be thankful she was part of your life.
What a lovely remembrance.
Every so often life reminds us how precious it is. Thinking of you. t.x
It makes one stop and think.....
Gosh, what a terrible shock and such very sad news.
How very sad Michele - I'm so sorry to read this & you are right - we should enjoy each day & make time for our family & friends. I'm having lunch today with a friend who I haven't seen in a while - I'm glad I am!
thats so sad x thinking of you,when we experiance death of a friend/family/loved one it makes us re~examine everything around us.Theres never a good time for someone to leave us,but in winter you can sit quietly on one of th elong dark evenings & think of your friend,tears will flow but as others have said happy memories will come thru eventually.
Take care sweetpea x x x
thinking of you
t x
How sad, the other day I came across a blog of a woman who lost her partner suddenly and I cried when I read her thoughts. We must remember to tell our loved ones we care as it must be awful to live with, if only. Love Jane xx
How very sad, Michele, and such a shock for you. We never know what's round the corner for any of us and we should appreciate every moment with our friends and loved ones.
Sue x
What lovely comments you've had - people in blogland are so caring.
I'm glad you're going to a service today - hardly any children go now. I remember when I was young we always had to go even before we really knew what it was about. Funny I'm now the only one in my family that still goes. M & D prefer to watch on TV as they say they're too old to stand in the cold. x
Hi Michele, hope you are o.k. Just wanted you to know that I've received a copy of CL December issue and I've seen the Cowboys & Custard entry in Emporium. Congratulations and well done you.
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend.
Thank you for this reminder about how precious every day is.
Love, Dana
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