With the minutes ticking by and another year drawing to an end... what hopes do you have for the next one?
I do not wish to make rash resolutions that will fall by the wayside, like the many that have gone before.. but I would like to think that I will make better use of my time next year...starting with a good long walk on New Year's Day which may bring some inspiration as it did on January 1st 2007 when the idea for 'Cowboys & Custard' came to me on such a walk. Let's wait and see... Expect the unexpected!
Wishing a Happy New Year to you all and may it bring you happiness and new adventures!
Saturday, 31 December 2011
There goes another one....
Posted by
Cowboys and Custard Mercantile
5:19 pm
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Not even a mouse....
Well... not a whole one.
After deciding it was high time I started to inject some Christmas sparkle into this week, with time running out, I decorated the tree with a little help from the tabby terror who insisted on placing the decorations elsewhere.. ie.. on the ground!
With the tree finally decorated and remaining upright.. despite the attempts of Sir Edmund Hilary aka Pickles the cat... to climb it and usurp the Christmas fairy .. I stood back.. and began to feel ever so slightly Christmassy. I always think of one of my favourite films at this time of year.. The Grinch who Stole Christmas.. when his tiny heart starts to flicker and twitch into life.. so did my Christmas spirit after decorating the tree.All that remains to be done is a date with the Sellotape and wrapping paper, some pressies to wrap, aided by a few glasses of Sloe gin.. home made of course. Kirstie would be proud!
Pickles has already placed his gift to us under the tree.. discovered this morning .. not gift wrapped but perfectly placed amongst the gifts already there. One half chewed mouse! Nice!
Not one I can take back after Christmas to exchange for a whole one!
On that rather gruesome note.. may I wish you all.. a truly happy and peaceful Christmas with lots of happy days to come in 2012.
See you on the other side!
Michele xx
Posted by
Cowboys and Custard Mercantile
7:20 pm
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Ode to the Movember Moustache..
Today Mr Custard will ceremoniously shave off his moustache as promised to the children of his primary school. I must say that I have grown rather fond of this hairy creature growing upon his top lip and will lament the passing of this hirsute exercise.
In reverence to his participation in the Movember charity fund raising... he has written a poem...
Ode to the Moustache
The hair that blossoms on the lip,
Is rarely cool and never hip.
So shave it off and get a grip;
You know you look an utter drip.
It’s growing for a noble cause,
But do not linger for applause;
You’d look less daft in grandma’s drawers;
Some “L’Oreal tinted” Santa Clause!
So shave it off! Do it today!
Don’t defer it; don’t delay.
The execution must not stay;
The balder lip is the modern way.
November it is almost past;
Advent it is here at last.
No need to ponder or to fast;
Just have a shave - you look an ass!
Can you spot the difference between Jason King and Mr Custard?
Posted by
Cowboys and Custard Mercantile
11:46 am