Happiness is a new plank or rather an old salvaged plank that was discovered in my father in laws garage and was sitting gathering dust and cobwebs...
One plank later and Voila.. we have a new shelf to complete our indoor garden..
This was a happy diversion from the domestic hiccup that has made this week a little challenging..
The saga started on Saturday last when I had noticed that our Smeg retro fridge was making strange gurgling noises and there was a distinct chemical smell haunting the kitchen..
I mentioned this to beloved as we went off to find a Saturday newspaper.. and noted that he was not particularly fussed about the temperamental fridge..
On arriving home .. beloved tells me he has something important to tell me in a rather ominous tone of voice..
My mind races and as they a say.. my life flashes before me.. what could he possibly be about to tell me ..??
Well beloved confesses his sins... and the story goes that the previous evening in an attempt to extract some ice from the ice box with a screwdriver (!!!) he punctures the wall of the fridge and thus kills it .. good and proper!!!
Hence the funny smell and swan song from the fridge ...
SO.. no use crying over a dead fridge I thought.. and we set off on a new fridge hunt.. arriving at the domestic appliance mecca.. Curry's!
Choosing a rather grand affair big enough to house a small family AND some choc ices we chose our new deluxe appliance and went home happy with the knowledge that we only had three fridge-less days to endure before the new model arrived.
It was soon clear on arriving back at the ranch that the metal monstrosity would not fit through our narrow kitchen door.. so we beetled back to Messrs Curry's and changed our order for a more modest affair but with the novelty of a water dispenser..
Yesterday.. we waited for the new fridge to arrive with great anticipation.. having lived off sour milk and some pretty dodgy meals out, for the last few days.
Well.. the ice man cometh and he taketh away our dead fridge with much huffing and puffing up our basement kitchen stairs..
I watch with slight trepidation as the new fridge is unwrapped on the back of the lorry and it is soon evident that all is not good!..New fridge has a large dent on one side and a crushed top..
so it's off to the fridge emporium for fridge number three...
Third time lucky as they say.. new fridge arrives tomorrow.. or so we are told.
Watch this space..This member of the family is distraught at the prospect of dried food for another day!
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
Three fridges and a new shelf !
Posted by
Cowboys and Custard Mercantile
8:40 pm
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What is it the advert says, Currys no worries! Lots of people, including us, have had dented appliances turn up, but not crushed! It's an appalling way to do business, and Pickles thinks so too! I hope your beloved is forgiven now for his antics with the screwdriver? I like your garden shelf, what a great idea, it looks so nice, and the plants so healthy. I hope all goes well with the next delivery Michele. x
Funny post Michele, though not funny about the fridge....I quickly add!! Hubby was very brave to come clean, though the smell probably prompted him. I really hope it is 'third time lucky'fingers crossed xx.
Thankyou for your lovely comments you really made me smile then too :-).
French Grey it is.
Lynn xx
Lovely shelf! How galling re the fridge...damaged goods on delivery seems to happen all too often. Here's to no.3!
It's most fortunate we aren't having a heatwave whilst you are fridgeless! Love the shelf. Great to find something someone no longer wants which you really love and can make use of and free!
Oh dear Mr C, methinks you should be wining and dining Mrs C when that new fridge arrives. Just think Michele in a short while (fingers crossed) the joys of fresh coffee and a cup of tea await you.
Love the garden shelf, I think Mr C has redeemed himself there!
Sweet photo of the lovely moggy.
Very very lovely shelf there - I love a bit of reclamation.
Yikes - the screwdriver incident was v funny but naughty Mr Custard!
Ah! So Mr C was the culprit - I thought it might have finally given up the ghost as a result of the overlarge builder sitting on it!
This is a funny story, I always like your style. I have a smeg fridge and freezer in one retro model too and we have had all kinds of incidents with it. One stripe missing (????), the other broken, the glass broken, I can go on, but I will not. Mmmm but I cannot blame Mr. M. Have a nice day!
Hope the new fridge turns up in one piece! Your kitty is very cute covering his eyes.
Oh dear, what a palaver! I'm sure it will be third time lucky and naughty Mr. C will have to put a bottle of something nice in it for you!
(cute pussycat btw)
Deb x
I did that trick once when C was a baby - no fun at all! Hope you get a nice new fridge soon
April xx
I think you need to confiscate the screwdrivers! Funny story but sorry it's been such a hassle. At least it's not as hot as it was last week.
By the way, if you've noticed that linenandroses has disappeared I haven't given up blogging, just totally re-inventing.(ex was reading old one and I didn't like that thought!!) I am taking a little break though. Lots going on at the moment including Wedding planning!! Will email when I have a mo. Fiona x
Oh Michele, am not laughing i promise!! But VERY weird, these fridges. R's Mum and Dad bought us a red smeg fridge for our wedding- we had 3 delivered and then taken away again before finally ending up with one that worked, wasn't dented, didn't have bits missing, had the door hinged the right side,etc.etc.Nightmare!! Great excuse to eat out though...;)
Love the shelf brackets, they're gorgeous!x
a dead Smeg......
i would have wept!!
we have had no fridge since moving in to the trailer - no butter etc has certainly helped my waist become a little less round - every cloud has a silver lining!!
if you get a mo can you let me know what living with a Smeg was like - we are on the verge of saying yes but i am worried that they are all good looks but a rubbish fridge.
love the shelf but love puss cat more x
hugs to you all
t x
I though you took your husband's confession very calmly, don't know that I would have! I agree a few bottles of bubbly in your new fridge wouldn't go amiss :)
We have quite a wide fridge which was delivered before our new kitchen was fitted, if it goes wrong I think we'll have to remove skirting boards and possibly half of the kitchen units to get the thing out! Fingers crossed it goes on and on.
Thanks for visiting by the way.
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