This has to be the most difficult post I have written to date... This is my fourth attempt to put the events of the last week into some perspective and do them justice..and even as I type I know I will not be satisfied with my account of recent events in the Cowboys & Custard household..
As I said in my last post .. the normal pace of life this week has shifted a few gears and there has been much excitement and just a few nerves along the way.. to say the least.
It all started on Monday when Kim and her gorgeous Ragged Rose family came to visit us in Bath.. We had first met back in May in Kim's home town of Brighton where we were made to feel most welcome and really enjoyed our brief time together..
This visit was not so nerve wracking as the ice had already been well and truly broken, but was nevertheless accompanied by much chasing of dust and tweaking of the home nest before their arrival.. oh and just a couple of home-baked cakes.. that in itself was a little fraught at times... would I manage to serve up burnt offerings.. my speciality!
The day passed in a flash as we tried to cram in as much chat and laughs as our limited time together would allow...and we even managed to tear ourselves away from the kitchen table to have a mini tour of some of Bath's best corners.. Isn't it funny how something so familiar can seem fresh and that much more interesting when seen through the eyes of others. Our tourist spots took on a new lease of life for me as we walked around Royal Crescent and the Assembly Rooms where we fondly imagined Jane Austen's characters coming to life at the dances..It was a wonderful day and was over far too soon...Kim and her lovely family returned home and we were left with some cherished memories to file away and reflect upon....
Once again my faith in this fabulous blog community is well and truly reinforced.. my blogging friends, both those I have met and those I have yet to meet are such a bonus in my life.. Someone asked me what I did before blogging.?
Was there life before blogging I ask myself ??Well as if that wasn't enough excitement for one week, month.. year.. Yesterday saw me in a state of high anxiety but for a very different reason.
My partner in crime...( sorry Jayne ) had the brainwave of contacting BBC Homes & Antiques magazine with a the idea of mentioning our first Blogger's Vintage & Handmade Fair in November.. Well... Not in my wildest dreams did I imagine that they would want to come and conduct an interview with Jayne and myself and take a few shots of our respective vintage items that will be on offer at the Fair..
The house has never been tidier or squeaky clean.. but this was soon all erased when the photographer .. a charming Mark... and the lovely Natasha our interviewer from Homes & Antiques turned up to hold the interview and rearrange my kitchen to get the best shots for the feature..Jayne bought a fine selection of her vintage china to adorn my kitchen dresser and her trusty and charming assistant.. daughter offer muscle power and moral support and endless patience!
Many photographs, cheesy grins, cups of tea and chat later .. the shoot was in the can as they say in the biz!
Much as I loved this whole experience.. I will confide in you and only you.. that I was terrified at the prospect of having a mug shot of me plastered over the pages of this lovely publication. I cannot smile on demand.. unlike lovely photogenic Jayne.. who is a photographer's dream...
ANYWAY.. I am missing the point here.. it is fantastic advertising opportunity for our event and hopefully the readers will be curious and come along on 22nd November to see what it is all about..
BBC Homes & Antiques will have our feature in the November issue out on October 1st..
I have spent today in a state of mild shock and taken up residence on the sofa in a stupor...
Who said fame is easy ! !?
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Say Cheese .......
Posted by
Cowboys and Custard Mercantile
8:38 pm
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Hi Michele, well done on getting into the H & A magazine, a major coup I would say though I am slightly worried that it will generate hordes of shoppers who won't all fit into the hall! I did another Castle Coombe boot a couple of weeks ago but it was a washout, darn weather man got it wrong again! The next one is in September, I'll let you know nearer the time if you fancy coming along, I'll be selling weather permitting!
Lucy x
Wow! Well done - what a fantastic achievement for your fab-sounding event! I'm still very very keen and desperately trying to find a routine for tiny pebble so that I could come, although I suspect you may well be full up now!
Brilliant..I think you should spend next week taking it
easy!! ;-)
My jaw still aches! It was fun though wasn't it?
Oh definitely Jayne... I still have to pinch myself that it actually happened.
Michele x
How fabulous! I can't wait to see the magazine and must see how I can fit in a visit to the Fair! K x
Oh well done,that is marvelous news!!!! How nerve wracking for you though, I can only imagine how terrified I would be if someone wanted to come and take pics in my kitchen. Your dresser looks fabulous. I so wish I could come to the fair....
Rosie x
Ohhhhhhhhhh my stars!!! How Fantastic!!!!
M ^..^
How absolutely exciting!!! You must be thrilled! And a visit from the Ragged Roses - how delightful! I remember the sweet posts of your last meeting together.
Ahhhh the photo of the Royal Crescent... I'm excited to have seen just the outside a couple of times! lol This old Cape Codder hasn't left Cape Cod soil since starting her brood. =O
wow! how exciting..It will be so nice to put a face to the blog,I'll look forward to seeing you both in H&A..well done,though I would have been a gibbering wreck!
That's amazing and fabulous publicity for you. I must say I'm really looking forward to it.
I'll be eagerly waiting outside the news agents on 1st October!! Gorgeous dresser by the way.
Lets hope that fellow bloggers will be able to spot each other through the hoards of people! Seriously though, congratulations on your newly found fame!
Fame at last Michele! It can only do you good though for the fair. I'm sure you were telling yourself that whilst trying to smile! I'm exactly the same...trying to smile 'naturally' is so hard....some people have it and some people don't. That's why you won't ever see a pic of me on my blog!
Deb x
What a week Michele! Well done you, as if entertaining us lot wasn't enough, you then go and host a photoshoot in that gorgeous kitchen of yours! I hope you've spent the last 24 hours reclining on a sofa in a darkened room with a glass (no make that a mug) of some of the hard stuff to help you relax (of course I'm talking tea!). Thanks for such a wonderful day and congrats again on the magazine article, here's to many more
Woohoo!!! Oh my goodness, i bet you are so excited that you could nearly burst!!! What a fabulous week you have had and good on you for all the effort you have put in to organising the fair, I swear i would be there in a wink if I lived a tad closer!!! So excited for you, kiss noises Linda Lilly Cottage.
What an achievement for you! V exciting. Looking forward to the mag already.
Hen x
Oh well done you and thoroughly well deserved! Now your event will really go with a bang and you'll have all the reason you need to go nationwide and make it a touring event next year! Then I can come too!!! (magazine publication date is in the diary! x
Will you still talk to me when you're famous?!
I love your dresser, it looks fabulous with allof your bits and pieces on. Is that a spider I spy on the shelf though...?!
Congrats to you and Jayne, thats fabulous, and I can't wait to buy a copy! Hopefully by then I will know what you look like though, and can then put a copy of the mag on the coffee table at work and brag that I know you. Hurrah!xx
Me again...Sorry to clutter your mantle with yet another 'I Love your Blog' award, but I just had to give it to you...I love to read your updates.
Jane. x
I have your datails of your do on my notice board and have been really looking forward to it,and as a new blogger find it fab for you to have this interest and article in H&A. Really well done how very exciting for you.
OH!!! That is SO exciting. I have thought so many times of submitting some photos to different publications just to see what would happen and I actually know several people who have been featured in some publications here in the US. Wow, I'd love to see the spread if you wouldn't mind posting it when you get it?? Hope you're having a lovely weekend!
Hi Michele, thanks for the comment, I haven't quite worked out how to reply by email when word opens yet, I can't seem to find a send button! I have booked a course on ribbon and felt flower making at Bea & Evie in Frome after reading your blog and can't wait. At the moment I sell most of my cards from home but maybe looking at other outlets!
Must visit Bath soon after reading your blog I haven't been for ages.
That's fantastic Michele. Be sure to get a show card done for the event to put on your table too (and Jayne for hers). Great publicity for you and the event so i am sure it'll be worth all the forced grinning!
Happy bank holiday xx
Hi Michele,
How lovely for you and Kim - sounds like a perfect day.
And congratulations on the H&A article - how amazing is that? I'm sure it will help to make your sale a HUGE success. Can't wait to get my copy,
Niki x
Hi Michele I think you must be needing a sit down after a week like that. I think meeting Kim must have been fabulous for both of you, how wonderful you have this fab frienship. Well the magazine article is just fantastic, what a fabulous acheivement, the dresser looks stunning, can't wait for the magazine to come out.
Hugs Lynnxx
How fantastic to be featured in Homes and Antiques, I love that magazine. The feature should certainly ensure that the vintage fair is very well attended. Please remind us again nearer the time of publication, I'd love to have a 'butchers' at the piece in the magazine.
Congratulations on your wonderful & exciting news!
Hi Michele - I am now off for a few days leave at home - so I shall pack up your parcel - I dont know if looking at the books they will be of any use for you - I will be on the lookout for the mag - love your dresser
Next stop, the world!
Nice to come across your blog for the first time.
Hey Congratulations!!! I will pick up that issue when it is out in the U.S.
I have met so many neat people while blogging. So far only one in person that happened to live near by.
What a great opportunity for you both. Isn't the internet the best thing ever!!
Not a drunken stupor I hope! Michele, I can't believe what has been happening to you. First, the visit from Kim, and yes blogging friends are a bonus to our lives. Second, the doyen of all publications coming to your house, what an honour, very exciting, but very nervewracking at the same time. October 1st is going to be some day for me, our anniversary and the publication of the magazine, can't wait to get a copy! x
Well done! Pat on the back for you! I mentioned on my blog once that I drank tension tamer to calm my nerves - as was pointed out to me by quite a few auzzies what the hell was wrong with beer!!! Perhaps you need a glass of wine to relax!
love emma x
Thanks for your award Michèle, it means so much more to me now you're famous :-D
I have to catch up a lot, so I'm going again, talk to you soon!
Hi Michele,
How amazing is all this news???? oh my CONGRATULATIONS! talk about taking the bull by the horns and look what can happen.
I really wish i could come to the fair...i shall have to see as i am a long way away hmmmmm.
Please could you pop over to my blog when you have a minute? i have something for you love Kristina XxX
Sounds like you have had a busy, yet fun week. I can't wait to hear how the article turns out, and hopefully it will send even more business your way. :)
I`m so pleased 4U and all the fellow artists and vintage lovers that will be selling their Treasures in the fair!
I wish you ALL THE BEST OF L.U.C.K.!
Kisses & Hugs
Debbie Moss
A belated congratulations (only just catching up here!). Magazine shoots are fun, but damned hard work. Well done you two...and great publicity.
Fantastic...i'll make sure i buy it!
Well done you!!
I'm new on here...already becoming very addictive!!!!
Your blog is fabtastic!!
Wow, that is fantastic, how exciting. I will get the magazine! Vanessa
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