I am sure you are well aware by now that I have a thing about rabbits... It all started a few years ago when I adopted the name 'Rabbit' by my beloved and from there on .. anything with long velvety ears and an air of rabbity-ness about it has won my affections..
Over the last year I have collected these fine and noble creatures in all guises and some have gone on to new pastures, which has been a painful wrench at times!
With the next Vintage & Handmade Textile Fair looming on the horizon I have been gathering a few items for the occasion... though not being a textile merchant nor needle-crafter I am sad to say .. these items are not strictly vintage textile orientated. They are however.. made of fabrics and are sure to win a few hearts... if not just mine!
The first long eared creatures that kick started my collection are Julie Arkell's deliciously eccentric characters with rabbity ears... (see above)
There are rabbits hopping around in Milly & Dottie's Emporium if you look in the nursery..This beautiful vintage wooden pull toy was made by Gecevo in Germany.. love the graphics...
A Steiff classic 1950's 'Stassi' Bunny.. also hopping around in the nursery ...
This little rabbit has a slightly psychotic look about her... too many carrots I fear!